Supplies are from the Studio Calico Monthly Kit (Don't know which one...)
Journaling reads: Water, Water Everywhere...All summer long. If you are not outside in your underwear, in the water, then it's not summer!
We've had quite a sick spell around here. Wolfie, Erik, and I were all sick last week. Yesterday and today, Erik got sick again, and JoJo is sick too. There is so much sickness going on around this place and at school. I have yet to take our family photo for January, but don't worry...I have 8 more hours until February...I'll come up with something. Procrastinator is my middle name...
And moving onto Project Life...I'm actually on top of that. I will post the main layout tomorrow. I have a few mini layouts to add as I have apparently taken too many photos for January. I will try to get those done in a timely manner, but I need photos printed for them. Walgreens should really love me because I'm going there even though I am NOT entirely happy with their prints AT ALL. But it's near my house, which proves Location is key. And also, I want to get layouts done. I'm really excited about this project. For sure, I will post the main page tomorrow. How are you guys doing with this project (for those of you doing it)?
Have a good evening!