Monday, November 22, 2010

Gearing up for the Big Day

June MemoryWorks Express Kit

Hello there.  I made this card for my husband.  It was his birthday yesterday.  I really love him very much.  I am so lucky to have a wonderful man like him in my life :)  He really makes me happy.  The picture isn't that great, sorry.  We switched coffee, and now I'm all jittery from it.  I couldn't hold the camera straight.  This was the best of the photos I took.  I hate being jittery.

Okay that being said.  Today is a cleaning day for me.  Yesterday nothing was done around the house.  We weren't even here for the entire day.  It all started when the electricity went out.  I was blow drying my hair before church and all of the sudden everything went off.  Electricity was out for about 2hours.  Since we couldn't cook we had to go out for breakfast.  Then, Erik and I did a bit of shopping and had lunch together.  We didn't get home until about 7 pm.  In this time frame, my house went from 0 to 100 on the messiness scale.  With 100 being the highest number available.  The dogs made a nice contribution to the mess as well.    

We're getting ready for Thanksgiving around here.  I wanted to share this recipe with you.  It is for Wild-Rice Pilaf with Cranberries and Pecans.  Let me just say that this is an excellent side dish for Thanksgiving.  I hate/despise cranberries.  However in this recipe they are Wonderful!  I also am not a big fan of nuts in my food.  Again in this recipe they are Wonderful!  I am providing you with the link to this recipe.  It is from Martha Stewart's Living.  Follow this link.  That way you can print it out for yourself, rather than having to copy it down on paper.  I swear, your family will rave about this recipe.  Oh, and last year I couldn't find wild rice.  The one jar I found was about 1 cup and it cost $8.00.  So, I just got a wild rice mix instead.  It worked just fine.  Maybe in your neck of the woods wild rice is not so expensive.

1 comment:

  1. I know how the messiness scale can go from 1-100 in minutes. Unfortunately it happens all too often at my house (especially in the boys room). Bye Bye toys-hello clean room!



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